Re: Calculate total days between 2 columns
Hi Annamarie, Try: =NETWORKDAYS(DATEONLY([entry created]@row), DATEONLY([resolve date]@row)) Do what you're looking for? Mark1 · -
Re: Is there a way to use a Report's "Summary/Summarized" value on Dashboard or Sheet?
Hi Ami, You can't use the report summaries as dashboard widgets. That would be a useful feature though. You could submit it as an enhancement, link below. Mark https://app.smartsheet.com/b/m?lgt=wf&a…2 · -
Re: Can unlicensed users edit filters on their report?
Good evening, A previous answer from @Genevieve P for you: "Free users can create their own personal filters, but they do not have the ability to create or edit shared filters." Help? Mark1 · -
Re: Does this count the dates that are 10 days or more?
=COUNTIF(DateColumn:DateColumn, @cell>=TODAY(-10)) will count the dates that are within the past 10 days. Mark1 · -
Re: Does this count the dates that are 10 days or more?
=COUNTIF(DateColumn:DateColumn, @cell>=TODAY(15)) will count the dates that are 15 or more days in the future. Work? Mark1 ·